Pastor Judy Dawson continues with the Relationship series, sharing practical ways to get unstuck from repeated negative patterns in relationships and how to keep our heart from building callus. 

Direct download: 20240929_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 10:11am +12

Pastor Judy Dawson starts the Relatable series on the fundamentals of relationships starting with us, by choosing to live a life of love through the help of the Holy Spirit as we all have inadequacies in our relationships. 

Direct download: 20240922_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 9:34am +12

Our Fiji mission team share stories and testimonies from the recent mission trip, and Ps Peter Morton brings a message on how we can be disciple-makers everyday in our sphere of influence.

Direct download: 20240915_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 6:32pm +12

Ps Annika Morton explores how we can live with courageous faith, praying audacious prayers, redeeming our testimony and following God's call.

Direct download: 24.09.15_Annika_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 10:44am +12

Ps Peter Morton brings a message on how we can be disciple-makers everyday in our sphere of influence and our Fiji mission team share stories and testimonies from the recent mission trip.

Direct download: 24.09.08_Peter_Morton_and_Fiji_Panel.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 12:36pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson speaks from the life of Paul that He works behind the scene, even through the messy parts of our lives to bring out His image in us. 

Direct download: 20240908_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 10:48am +12

In the midst of the life of David, the shepherd king, we will find the essence of what it truly is to be a man, a man of the crook and harp.

Direct download: 24.09.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 1:16pm +12

Pastor Chris Dawson brings the Father’s Day message on how to stay courageous when life goes from tough times to challenging times. 

Direct download: 20240901_Chris_Dawson.mp3
Category:Father's Day -- posted at: 10:40am +12

Pastor Annika concludes our series on the Motivational Gifts, this week looking at Serving and Mercy. What do these gifts look like in our lives, what are some of the challenges and how do we support others who have these gifts? 


Direct download: 24.08.25_Annika_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 11:46am +12

Pastor Peter Morton brings the final part of the Motivational Gifts series. Today’s message looks specifically at the motivational gift of Leadership and the gift of Teaching.

Direct download: 20240825_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 9:45am +12

Ps Peter Morton continues our series on the motivational gifts from Romans 12, this week looking at the gift of Teaching and the gift of Giving.

Direct download: 24.08.18_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 1:57pm +12

Ps Judy Dawson shares from Rom 12, Motivational Gifts the importance of building others with our words and with our resources through the gift of Discernment and gift of Giving. 

Direct download: 20240818_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:44am +12

God has uniquely wired and gifted us for HIs purpose, on purpose.  Ps Claire explores how those gifted with the Motivational Gifts of Encouragement and Discernment see what God is doing and partner with God to see change.  

Direct download: 24.08.11_Claire_McLean.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 11:54am +12

Ps Judy Dawson speaks from the motivational gifts, the gift of Service and the gift of Mercy, how it is important and is used in the body of Christ to build His Kingdom. 

Direct download: 20240811_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:04am +12

Ps Peter Morton starts off our new series on the motivational gifts listed in Romans 12 - focussing on why we should know our gift and how it impacts others.  Today's message looks specifically at the motivational gift of leadership - the marks of someone who has this gift, how they can develop it, and how others can relate to and support them.  For more information on motivational gifts head to

Direct download: 24.08.04_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 12:02pm +12

Ps Judy Dawson starts the new series on Motivational gifts, how each gift displays different characteristics of the Father, also talks about the Gift of Encouragement. 

Direct download: 20240804_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 10:31am +12

As we continue our 10 Day Church Fast, Ps Peter Morton shares from Leviticus 6 on the responsibility of the priests to keep the fire in the temple burning, and how important it is that we don't let our spiritual fire grow cold or go out!  

Direct download: 24.07.28_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 12:01pm +12

Pastor Chris Dawson shares the importance of first fruit to God, and to make God first in every area of our lives. 

Direct download: 20240828_Ps_Chris_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:51am +12

Nineveh powerfully turns to God as a result of Jonah's ministry... but God's not finished working in Jonah's life just yet.  Ps Peter Morton unpacks the last chapter of the book of Jonah and looks at the process that God is doing within Jonah's heart, to make him into the messenger he's called to be.  

Direct download: 24.07.21_Peter_Morton_Jonah_4.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 1:40pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson finishes the last part of the Jonah series highlighting the revolutionary love of God.  Sometimes our unmet expectations can lead us to pitch up temporary shelters in the wrong places.  Listen to the message to ask God to re-write the stories of your heart for yourself and others. 

Direct download: 20240721_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:45am +12

As we journey through the book of Jonah, we see God’s intense love of cities on full display. In Jonah 3, we will discover the wonder of the city, the path of influence, and the God of the grand weave. 

Direct download: 24.07.14_Lyall_Carter.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 10:02am +12

Ps Judy Dawson highlights from the life of Jonah, it is about the message, not about the messenger.  God gives second, third and more chances in the life of a believer to release His Grace.

Direct download: 20240714_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 9:55am +12

Through the prodigal prophet Jonah, and the prodigal son's stories, we see God's unending grace and willingness to restore those who humble themselves before Him. Pastor Claire challenges us to remember God's goodness, repent of our sin, and experience His restoration power in our lives.

Direct download: 24.07.07_Claire_McLean_Jonah_2.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 11:35am +12

Ps Peter Morton brings the next part of our series in Jonah, looking at the inward transformation that happened with Jonah - and how we can learn from Jonah's example to make the most of the difficult seasons that we walk through too.

Direct download: 20240707_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 10:44am +12

Ps Peter Morton kicks off our new series in Jonah.  Through this first chapter as God works on Jonah's heart - Peter looks at how God speaks to us, how He works within us, and what it means for us that God never, ever loses!  

Direct download: 24.06.30_Ps_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 2:47pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson speaks from the life of Jonah, the danger of running on wrong lane and about the love of God that kept chasing Him even in the most unusual places.

Direct download: 20240630_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 10:49am +12

Prophetic words spoken by Len over different people.

Direct download: 20240622_Prophetic_Word.mp3
Category:Prophesies -- posted at: 10:55am +12

Len Buttner brings a prophetic message for the Church to encourage, build and to edify the body of Christ. 

Direct download: 20240623_Len_Buttner.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 10:51am +12

This morning our River Youth took over the service!  We were blessed to have 5 youth speakers speaking about how to be a lifelong disciple who knows God and makes Him known!

Direct download: 24.06.23_Youth_Service.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 12:55pm +12

We were fortunate enough to have Ewan Cameron from Open Doors ministry join us! Open Doors is a global ministry that serves and strengthens the persecuted church and is the world's largest underground network reaching millions of Christians in over 70 countries as they shine the light of the gospel in some of the darkest places on earth.  This message will both inspire and challenge you through the stories of believers in persecuted countries! 

Direct download: 24.06.17_Open_Doors.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 7:56pm +12

In our busy noisy world how do we push past all the distractions to hear the Holy Spirit speak to us? Ps Claire shares keys from Matt 6 to encourage and empower us to be ore aware of the Holy Spirit’s voice anytime, anywhere about anything.

Direct download: 20240616_Claire_McLean.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:41am +12

Ps Peter Morton shares some practical steps and guidelines for how to bring a prophetic word for someone.

Direct download: 24.06.09_Ps_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 8:20pm +12

Persecution is still alive in different parts of the world. Ewan Cameron from Open Doors brings the message on behalf of the persecuted Churches. 

Direct download: 20240609_Ewen_Cameron.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:27am +12

Pastor Peter Morton shares some practical steps and guidelines for how to bring a prophetic word for someone. 

Direct download: 20240602_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 1:46pm +12

In our busy noisy world how do we push past all the distractions to hear the Holy Spirit speak to us?  Ps Claire shares keys from Matthew 6 to encourage and empower us to be more aware of the Holy Spirit's voice anytime, anywhere about anything. 

Direct download: 24.06.02_Ps_Claire.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 6:54pm +12

Ps Peter Morton continues our series on the Holy Spirit, talking about how to actually position ourselves to experience the baptism and the filling of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.  

Direct download: 24.05.27_Ps_Peter.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 6:59pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson shares on how to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and to allow the rivers of living waters to flow through us. 

Direct download: 20240526_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 10:35am +12

Treated like some kind of ethereal force, the Holy Spirit is one of the most misunderstood members of the Trinity. Pastor Lyall explores how Holy Spirit is the sent One, our advocate of awe, and our call to be awestruck seers and dreamers.

Direct download: 24.05.19_Lyall.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 6:58pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson starts the Holy Spirit series talking about Who the Holy Spirit Is, and the work of the Holy Spirit in each believer's life. 

Direct download: 20240518_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 10:33am +12

Pastor Annika shares on Mothers Day, about being aware of what we display in life to others. A great challenging message, on how to value our past, present and future.

Direct download: 24.05.12_FP_Mothers_Day.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 9:20pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson shares from the life of Jabez on mother’s day, ways to free ourselves from the painful past and step into God’s blessing by replacing it with the promises of God. 

Direct download: uirec-20240512_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Mother's Day -- posted at: 10:15am +12

Pastor Chris Dawson talks about the importance of wearing the armour of God, as worship is a spiritual warfare against the unseen world.

Direct download: 20240505_Chris_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:27am +12

Pastor Judy Dawson shares on three important spiritual act of worship to God, the coalition between the earthly sacrifice and heavenly intervention. 

Direct download: 20240427_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:22am +12

Ps Peter Morton talks on using worship as warfare - and the power of choosing to worship in our times of crisis and pain.  

Direct download: 24.04.21_Ps_Peter.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 10:03pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson speaks on the three aspects of bringing worship into our day to day living.  Worshiping Him with our Words, Works and Witness. 

Direct download: 20240421_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 12:28pm +12

In our busy lives how do we take worship off the to do list and make it part of our lifestyle?  Ps Claire shows us the shift from disciple to devotion, from singing to surrender, and from human to holy, to both inspire us and give us practical keys to build our relationship with God through the practice of worship.

Direct download: 24.04.14_Ps_Claire.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 6:55pm +12

Ps Peter Morton begins our new series on Awakening Worship - looking at why we worship the way we do in church, and why our worship matters.

Direct download: Peter_Morton_20240414.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:43am +12

Pastor Wayne Pete brings a powerful message on building our relationship with God in Word and in the experiential presence of God. 

Direct download: 20240407_Ps_Wayne_Pete.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:26am +12

What happened on that first Easter changed everything for the first disciples and for us here and now.  Ps Claire looks at Jesus' death and resurrection through the POV of Mary and Joseph of Arimathea and shows how Jesus is better than everything.

Direct download: 24.03.31_Ps_Claire.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 6:03pm +12

On the Easter Sunday, Pastor Judy Dawson shares about the “Living Hope” through the resurrected power of Christ that dwells in each one of us to overcome hopelessness and disappointments. 

Direct download: 20240331_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:12am +12

Ps Peter Morton finshes up our 'Called' series and shares a unique insight on how to recognise and deal with toxic environments in your workplace, organisation or family - drawing on wisdom from the ancient book of Leviticus.  

Direct download: 24.03.24_Ps_Peter.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 7:09pm +12

What does being called mean? Can I be called to my “secular” job? How can God work through me in my world? Ps Claire explores these pivotal questions in our Called Series and shares how we are all called by God to be on mission in our world.

Direct download: 20240324_Claire_McLean.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 10:26am +12

We were fortunate enough to have Ps Wayne Peat from C3 Grow Howick join us and share a message on experiencing God. He shared how in life, we are to have both truth and the experiential encounter of Christ - all we need to do is ask God for it. 

Direct download: 240317_Ps_Wayne_Peat.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 6:21pm +12

It is easy to become victims of a toxic culture, Pastor Judy Dawson shares some of the Bible principles on how to handle toxic culture and how to see victory for our lives. 

Direct download: 20240317_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 9:44am +12

With busy lives, it can be challenging to get a work/life balance. Pastor Annika shares three keys on how to find God's flow for our lives and our families, so that we can avoid burnout and find rest.

Direct download: 20240310_Annika_Mortan.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 8:51am +12

What does being called mean?  Can I be called to my “secular” job?  How can God work through me in my world?  Ps Claire explores these pivotal questions in our Called Series and shares how we are all called by God to be on mission in our world. 

Direct download: 24.03.03_Ps_Claire.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 7:07pm +12

Ps Chris Dawson shares about multiplying the gifting God has given us according to our ability. 

Direct download: 20240303_Chris_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:54am +12

With busy lives, it can be challenging to get a work/life balance. Pastor Annika share three keys on how to find Gods flow for our lives and our families, so that we can avoid burn out and find rest.

Direct download: 24.02.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 6:53pm +12

Ps Peter Morton starts our new series ‘Called’ and encourages us with 5 E’s to bring God to our workplace and everyday life.

Direct download: 20240254_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:23am +12

Listen to the testimonies of those who took baptism at the end of the service.

Direct download: 0240218_Baptism_Testimonies.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 2:30pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson speaks from the life of Judah, how praise can keep us out of the pit and out of the prison. Why it is important to bring praise into our lives to keep us from being locked in. 

Direct download: 20240218_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 1:47pm +12

Ps Peter Morton starts our new series ‘Called’ and encourages us with 5 E’s to bring God to our workplace and everyday life.

Direct download: 24-02-18_Ps_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 9:33pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson shares the vision for the year 2024. 

Direct download: 20240211_Vision_Sunday_Pukekohe.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:52am +12

What we do flows from who we are.  Ps Peter Morton shares from Psalm 1 and covers some of what lies ahead for us as a church in 2024.  

Direct download: 24-02-11_Ps_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 5:17pm +12

On Vision Sunday, Pastor Judy Dawson shares on how we can bear fruit in all season, also the importance of the Word of God and the Power of God to move ahead.

Direct download: 20240211_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 8:41am +12

Ps Peter Morton shares practical keys and lessons from experience on this vital topic of how we can know if the path we're taking or the decision we're making lines up with God's will for our lives.  

Direct download: 24-02-04_Ps_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 5:56pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson shares about the importance of clearing the lens of our heart as everything we see gets filtered through those lenses and we live out from how we see. 

Direct download: 20240204_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 10:01am +12

Pastor Annika highlights our need to Unsubscribe to things in our lives which are no longer healthy or good for our spirit. It’s time to let go of stress, drama and pain so we can subscribe to the things of God.

Direct download: 24-01-28_Ps_Annika.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 5:42pm +12

God has made us in His image and called us to his glory and excellence! Ps Peter Morton shares 6 keys for living a life of excellence. 

Direct download: 20240128_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 1:56pm +12

Ps Peter Morton brings another perspective on Proverbs 4:23, and shares some practical ways that we can guard our heart in 2024.  

Direct download: 24-01-21_Ps_Peter_M.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 7:20pm +12

Pastor Chris Dawson shares from the life of 3 Hebrew boys who walked into the fire without any fear because of their unwavering focus and trust in God. 

Direct download: 20240121_Chris_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 8:15am +12

New year, new habits.  Let's hit reset on prayer and refresh our rhythms to make prayer a priority in 2024.

Direct download: 24-01-14_Ps_Claire.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 7:22pm +12

Ps Peter Morton shares from Psalm 37 on three keys to having clear direction and a straight path in 2024!  

Direct download: 23-12-XX_Ps_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 7:14pm +12

Sometimes live's challenges can come and stop us from moving ahead. Ps Judy Dawson highlights the challenges that can stop us, but how God's small voice can re-position us and give us a purpose to keep moving ahead.

Direct download: 23-12-XX_Ps_Judy_.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 7:08pm +12

Ps Peter Morton brings an encouraging message to finish 2023 from Hebrews 11 - to not grow weary in doing what is right even if we haven't yet seen the promise come to pass!

Direct download: 23-12-24_Ps_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 7:01pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson talks about three different protocols that positions us to stand before the King from the life of Esther, a slave to a Queen. Find out the New way of living for the new year 2024.

Direct download: 20240114_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 11:30am +12

Pastor Annika shares a challenging message from Hebrews 12, on how to run your part of the relay race of life, well. Too often we drop the baton or hold onto it for too long, so how do we successfully live in a way that impacts generations to come?

Direct download: 23-12-17_Ps_Annika.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 11:51am +12

Law and Grace is always at our doorsteps to choose. Ps Judy Dawson speaks from the life of Joseph where he had to choose between law and grace. Through Jesus Grace took the centre stage so we can choose grace over law every time for ourselves and to give it to others. 

Direct download: 20231217_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 9:21am +12

Ps Judy Dawson speaks about living a life of humility with eternal perspective in mind, knowing that Heaven rules in every area of our lives, will set a life of victory. 

Direct download: 202312010_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 12:25pm +12

Ps Paul brought a challenging message from 2 Kings 13:14 about not being a Joash generation, and learning how to double your dream instead of downsizing it. 

Direct download: 23-12-10_Ps_Paul_Saunder.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 12:04pm +12

How do we have vision, stop looking backwards, and not only set goals but achieve goals? Ps Claire helps us get clear on life, vision and goal setting God's way.

Direct download: 23-12-03_Ps_Claire.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 10:10am +12

Ps Peter Talks about heavenly rewards - what they are and why they matter, and how to make the most of God's grace in our lives today.

Direct download: 20231203_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 9:09am +12

Ps Peter Morton brings the last part of our series on spiritual gifts from 1 Corinthians 12 - looking at prophecy, the gift of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues.  

Direct download: 23-11-26_Ps_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 11:01am +12

How do we have vision? Stop looking backwards, and not only set goals but achieve goals. Ps Claire helps us get clear on life, vision and goal setting God's way.

Direct download: 20231126_Claire_McLean.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 9:03am +12

Ps James Anson shared a challenging message on what it means to be a disciple and how we can live this out in our daily lives. 

Direct download: 23-11-19_Ps_James_Anson.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 9:13am +12

Pastor Judy Dawson shares the importance of keeping the foundation strong and to make the best out of our different seasons in life to have success in the future and to finish strong. 

Direct download: 20231119_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 8:33am +12

The Holy Spirit gives gifts for everyday Christians to use in their everyday world to show people the goodness and greatness of God. Ps Claire shows us how we can step out and see God step in!

Direct download: 23-11-12_Ps_Claire_McLean.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 12:26pm +12

Pastor Peter Morton brings the last part of our series on spiritual gifts from 1 Corinthians 12 - looking at prophecy, the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. 

Direct download: 20231112_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 8:17am +12

Pastor Judy Dawson shares about the 3 Insight gifts of the Holy Spirit how to access Word of wisdom, gift of discernment and word of knowledge and operate in these gifts. 

Direct download: 20231105_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 9:19am +12

Len is a recognised prophetic voice in our nation and always brings a powerful and timely word. He shared how we are to be ready with the touch of the father and how we should move out love. 

Direct download: 23-11-05_Ps_Len_Buttner.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 12:28pm +12

Prophetic words shared by Len Buttner to individuals. 

Direct download: 20231029_Prophecies__Len_Buttner.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 9:19am +12

Len Buttner brings a prophetic message about the God of Restoration and the new thing He is doing in the body of Christ. 

Direct download: 20231029_Len_Buttner.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 9:13am +12

Ps Peter continues our series in the Gifts Of The Holy Spirit - this week looking at the Word of Knowledge, the Word of Wisdom and Discerning Of Spirits.  

Direct download: 23-10-29_Ps_Peter.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 12:28pm +12

Pastor Judy Dawson shares about the 3 Power gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are faith, healings and miracles and how to access these gifts to get it activated in a believers life. 

Direct download: 0231022_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 5:31pm +12

The Christian life is a life of power!  Ps Peter Morton brings the first part of our new series on the gifts of the Holy Spirit outlined in 1 Corinthians 12, and how the Holy Spirit gifts are for every believer and are different from the motivational and ministry gifts.  

Direct download: 23-10-22_Ps_Peter_Morton.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 11:29am +12

Every one has been given a gift! Pastor Judy Dawson starts the series talking about the different types of gifts from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to equip and to build the body of Christ. So how to come eagerly to His presence to receive His gifts without limitation. 

Direct download: 20231015_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 9:30am +12

Pastor Judy Dawson shares about the grace of God that bridged us from worthlessness to wrathful and has empowered us to fulfill His Kingdom plans for our individual lives. 

Direct download: 20231008_Judy_Dawson.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 8:25am +12

Ps Peter Morton shares on the link between how we live in this life and the rewards that are promised in heaven.

Direct download: 23-10-08_Ps_Peter.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 2:34pm +12

Pastor Annika shares 4 keys on how we can deal with critical attitudes and see others as made in the image of God - despite our differences!

Direct download: 20231001_Annika_Morton.mp3
Category:Pukekohe -- posted at: 1:49pm +12

Our motivation isn't all just up to us!  Ps Peter Morton shares from Philippians 2 about how God WILLS and ACTS within us.  

Direct download: 23-10-01_Ps_Peter.mp3
Category:Pakuranga -- posted at: 1:01pm +12

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